Important Message From IRTA’s Chairman of the Board

Dear Valued IRTA and Barter Industry Members:

What a roller coaster the last few years have been, not only for the barter industry, but for all businesses globally! We had to navigate through a pandemic, a tough economy, climate change, and anything else that came our way – but we’re still here running our businesses – that shows tremendous fortitude.

Our strength as an industry also comes from having a reliable network of businesses and people to work and communicate with.

Therefore now, more than ever, it’s critically important to reconnect with your peers and partners in business at this year’s annual IRTA conference. Enough with the video conference calls, it’s time to be face to face again with your favorite trading partners and to meet new ones.

Make it part of your getaway plans and join us in Virginia Beach this October 2nd to 5th!

Robin Maini
IRTA Chairman of the Board